Google Launches New Maps Platform to Streamline Google APIs. How Will It Affect You?
A major update on the Google Maps API platform is launching today from Google. It’s one of the biggest changes that Google has made on this platform, and is quite
History of Voice Search SEO & 5 Ways To Optimize For It
  What is Voice Search Optimization? Voice search optimization is the process of increasing the online visibility of your website when someone uses speech recognition technology to search for something.
Driving Traffic To Your Site From Social Media
Understanding your audience Social media usage varies from platform to platform, so understanding where your audience sits is the most crucial element to setting out the social media aspect of
My website isn’t converting…
You’ve had an amazing site developed, your organic traffic is looking pretty healthy, but your conversion rate is way lower than where you want to be . Why? There’s a
Is It the End for Facebook Business Pages?
You’re probably thinking like many other businesses out there, is it even worth using Facebook anymore? Especially after the recent News Feed changes in January. Before you start jumping ship on
HeadRed Joins Coventry 2021 Club
Here at HeadRed our company has grown with its roots firmly fixed in Coventry. Having started out in offices in Coventry City Centre, later moving into premises with Coventry Universities
Meet Our Newest Digital Marketing Recruit
Hey! My name is Beth, and I’ve just recently joined the team here at HeadRed HQ. I come from an agency background, and specialise in SEO. I love a bit
My First Week at HeadRed
Simon Griffiths – Digital Marketing Assistant My first week in the real working world of Digital Marketing, it has been fantastic! Settling into the working environment was easier than I
HeadRed Work Placement Summary
My time at HeadRed has drawn to a close and it has been an enjoyable and eye opening experience into the working world.  12 Months has definitely flown by. I’m
Top 18 Questions SEO Clients Ask
It’s important to us that our clients, current and prospective understand what’s happening within their campaigns and more importantly what effect work is likely to have on their site. You
Google Testing New Black Mobile Search Results
    Google is frequently making changes to search results in order to improve user experience. With all the versions they’re testing, it’ll be interesting to see which elements are chosen
How to Build a Strong Inbound Marketing Campaign
It is important to first understand the difference between inbound marketing and interruptions. Inbound marketing involves the use of channels and tactics to earn your attention, rather than interrupting the
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