If you’re involved in the world of content marketing, you’ll know that blog writing is a total balancing act. Not only do you need to create posts that are easy to read, but posts that can help you rank on search engines too.  Below, we’ll share some top tips on how to write the perfect blog for your audience whilst continuing to drive traffic to your site. It’s much easier than you think, once you know what you’re doing, of course! 

What should my blog be about? 

The first rule of blog writing is you do not talk about blog writing. Just kidding! The first rule is to choose topics that are relevant to your brand or business. This will allow you to establish yourself as an authority in your industry and gain the trust of your customers.  Blogs are great because they can help to promote your services without being overly pushy. We all know that the hard sell can be very off-putting to potential clients, so by demonstrating your knowledge and expertise in another way you’ll have the perfect hook. Show them, don’t tell them, as your creative writing teacher might say. The best way to get started is to think about questions your audience might want answered and go from there.  Some ideas for a blog post about blogging, for example, might be: 
  • How long should a blog be? 
  • Where do I find a good blog title? 
  • Do I need to have a blog? 
Once you’ve found your rhythm, you can then devise a blogging strategy that mixes informative content with posts that put the spotlight on your services. 

How should my blog be written? 

There are many ways to answer this question. Firstly, any blog article you write will need to be written in your business’s tone of voice. This refers to how you tend to communicate with your audience across your marketing channels. There are many tones to choose from, ranging from incredibly laid-back to extremely formal. Keeping to your tone of voice will help to create consistency in your marketing and be less confusing to customers.  Writing a blog The next thing to consider is your blog’s readability, which is now a fundamental part of SEO. Writing in short, snappy sentences will make your content easier to understand for all levels of reader, as well as Google. And the more people that connect with your work, the more likely you are to grow your business. It’s that simple.  Using subheadings, concise paragraphs and simple words is helpful here too – both for reader comprehension and skim-reading purposes.  Generally, you will find that most blogs adopt a conversational, light-hearted tone. This is easier to do if your brand has a more informal personality to begin with. Casual writing styles are not recommended if you are producing content about medical conditions, factual events or serious subject areas. 

Should I include visual content in my blog? 

Looking for images to put in a blog Blog writing is all about words, right? Wrong. Whilst language is the biggest part of a blog, there are other ways that you can convey your message. This means adding images, gifs and videos to visualise your main points.  In the days of ephemeral content, not everyone wants to be met with walls of text. Breaking up your blog with relevant visual content will encourage your reader to stay to the end.  

How do I quality check my blog writing? 

Take it from the professionals: writing doesn’t always come easy. And it can sometimes take time to put something together that’s fit for publication.  Don’t be so hard on yourself.  By making time to revise and improve certain passages, you’re more likely to come up with the best quality blog. Grammarly can be a helpful tool when you’re tinkering with your article, as can having it proofread by a colleague. Regardless of what you choose to do, the end result should always be the same: a blog that gets its message across whilst being easy to digest. 

What should I get out of my blog? 

Writing a blog on a laptop As mentioned earlier, blog writing has several aims: 
  • To demonstrate your expertise 
  • To create relationships with your readers/customers  
  • To promote your products 
A successful written piece will be able to do all three. What you write should give the reader some new information AND open them up to your business, so be sure to dot calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your piece to capitalise on their interest. Link these to product pages, contact information or other blogs to continue to build that relationship. After all, content marketing is a promotional tool, even if you’re pretending that it isn’t!  

HeadRed: blog writing, SEO, web development and more 

HeadRed is an experienced marketing agency located in Coventry. Our team of creatives are dab hands at several elements of digital marketing and web design, including SEO, branding, website creation and so much more. If you’d like our talented copywriters to help create regular, high-ranking blog updates for your website, or you’d like to explore our services further, give us a call on 024 7630 3685 or email talk@headred.net today. We look forward to hearing from you.
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